Monday, May 16, 2005

Context For The Ongoing Discussion of Islam And Terrorism

  1. Gates of Vienna gives us Dialogue with the Deluded:
    Consul General Ya'acov Brosh merely stated the obvious, that "the majority of terrorists today were Muslims, although the majority of Muslims are not themselves terrorists." However, in doing so, he brought down the wrath of the correct thinkers upon his head.
  2. Davids Medienkritk gives us March Against Terror - May 14, 2005, Washington, D.C. (the promo) and March Against Terror: Big Message, Small Crowd (the event). Fade to bad sci-fi movie scene .....
    "Where have all the people gone?" (twilight, sound of crickets chirping)
    The response of The Council on American-Islamic Relations - CAIR to a request for support of this march is quite interesting in view of CAIR's Not In The Name Of Islam campaign. (A search of CAIR's website for any reference to "Free Muslims Against Terrorism" or "FMAT" produced no results - more crickets chirping.) This is the reason for the existence of Anti-CAIR (specifially here) and many similar organizations, some of which are listed in their link list. (Website of Free Muslims Against Terror. Technorati search on Free Muslims Against Terror.)
  3. Related past posting: CAIR And Anti-CAIR 1/18/05.