Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jimmy Carter Still Afraid Of Rabbits

Jimmy Carter Nixes Debate With Alan Dershowitz
Former President Carter turned down a request to debate Alan Dershowitz about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying the outspoken Harvard law professor "knows nothing about the situation."

Carter, author of a new book advocating "peace not apartheid" in the region, said he will not visit Brandeis University to discuss the book because the university requested he debate Dershowitz.

"I don't want to have a conversation even indirectly with Dershowitz," Carter said in Friday's Boston Globe. "There is no need . . . to debate somebody who, in my opinion, knows nothing about the situation in Palestine."
. . . .

"President Carter said he wrote the book because he wanted to encourage more debate; then why won't he debate?" said Dershowitz, a vocal First Amendment advocate who has worked for O.J. Simpson and other high-profile clients.
It is ironic that our chief of know-nothing presidents would refuse to debate someone because they didn't know anything about the topic. Perhaps this is an example of a humanitarian impulse which would find no sport in "shooting fish in a barrel." On the other hand, it may be that J.C. knew he was bringing a squirtgun to a gun fight. If you are puzzled by the linkage of Jimmy Carter to Leporids, check out the video here, or, if you prefer more recent history, the story here.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Canadian Canaries Crashing?

From Canada - Land of Love and Liberalism:
Bob Rae was the target of anti-Semitic attacks during the Liberal leadership contest, motivated at least in part by the fact that his wife is Jewish.

Sources close to Rae say that his wife, Arlene Perly Rae, was approached during last weekend's convention by a delegate who didn't realize she was the candidate's wife. The delegate told her not to vote for Rae "because his wife is Jewish."

Perly Rae stonily informed the delegate that she was the wife in question. The delegate beat a hasty retreat.
It said that "voting for Bob Rae is a vote for the daily massacre in Palestine (and) . . . for a new Zionist PM in Canada."
The Liberals must be getting advice on peace in the Middle East from Jimmy Carter. How is the canary doing in this coalmine?

Hat tip to The Last Amazon.