Sunday, February 13, 2005

Meditations From A Mundane Mind, Parts Two - Four

What does one do when one has planned on spending time and energy working to ensure the eventual electoral defeat of "Grandmaster D, Righteous Rapper" and the Good Senator announces his intention to not run again? I have a "Dayton Departure Dilemma". On the one hand, I have already written three more installments of "Meditations From A Mundane Mind" and could continue to write commentary based on Mr. Dayton's homily for the foreseeable future. (That homily is, as they say, a "target rich environment".) On the other hand, publishing those does seem a bit like beating a dead horse.

I have decided to resolve the dilemma by publishing the three remaining "Meditations" elsewhere and not pursuing the topic further. If you wish to read those, go here, here, and here.