Thursday, March 30, 2006

Venezuela Watch 3/30/06

From Network 54: Dutch MPs fear Venezuelan invasion of the Antilles
Members of parliament in the Netherlands have urged the Minister of Defence to re-evaluate the defensive capabilities around the Netherlands Antilles. According to the government parties CDA and VVD, there is a growing threat coming from Venezuela, which has made several claims on the islands. The Minister of Defence, Henk Kamp, attempted to reassure the parliament by claiming that the Venezuelan armed forces would pose no threat. However, parliament members do not shore the minister’s optimistic view and claim that the forces currently present would not be sufficient in case of an invasion attempt by Venezuela and have therefore asked for a new strategic analysis of the region. Depending on its outcome, they have also asked the minister to re-evaluate the forces currently present and, if necessary, strengthen the capacity.
This should be taken seriously because there is precedent for this type of behavior on the part of Hugo Chavez.

(Hat tip to Barcepundit.)